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1528530cookie-checkSuper Mario Odyssey Is Now Fully Playable Via Nintendo Switch Emulator

Super Mario Odyssey Is Now Fully Playable Via Nintendo Switch Emulator

The Yuzu emulation team have been making some massive headway in Nintendo Switch emulation. The latest iteration of the emulator can now play Super Mario Odyssey from start to finish on a high-end PC at around 11fps.

So long as you have an i7 8700 or higher with 16GB of RAM and a GTX 980ti or faster, you’ll be able to top out at just over 10fps, capable of playing Super Mario Odyssey from the Nintendo Switch from the very beginning of the game to the very end, as noted by BSOD Gaming.

As noted in the video, this is a huge step up from where the emulation last left off, where there were some serious issues with the sub-areas and other secondary levels within the game, especially when it came time for transitioning into new areas within a level or going into the shop area to buy new gear for Mario.

Another major bug was also fixed, insofar that when a player would die the screen would completely black out and stay stuck there. The game now correctly zaps a few coins and respawns at the start of the area where you died, which is a huge improvement over the last iteration of the Yuzu.

Sankaku Complex noted that the same team working on the Nintendo Switch emulator have also put in time and effort into previous Nintendo emulators, such as the Cita for the Nintendo 3DS. I imagine the team will begin making much faster progress once their Patreon account starts receiving more donations.

We saw a lot of similar activity making headway rather quickly once the Cemu team began receiving major donations from the community as well, so don’t be surprised if the same happens with the Yuzu.

You can download the latest version of the Yuzu emulator and completely skip out on having to purchase a Nintendo Switch by visiting the official website.

(Thanks for the news tip Rala Croft)

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