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The Quake Trailer Sees A Massive Earthquake Ripping Norway In Half

Magnet Entertainment’s upcoming film, The Quake is a return to the classic disaster movie genre that seems to have been put on the back burner in recent years as studios have become enamored with the big budget super hero blockbusters that have been making them bank. Long gone are Roland Emmerich’s tent-pole extravaganzas that helped shape the yesteryears of movie-making… until now.

The Quake is a Norwegian disaster film that that features some pretty spiffy special effects, as we see Norway getting rocked and separated by a quake that begins leveling everything.

According to the description, there was a 5.4 magnitude earthquake in Oslo, Norway back in 1904. More than a century later, researchers fear that another earthquake is inbound, but it’s so big and so devastating, there’s not much anyone can do. You can check out the trailer below courtesy of JoBlo.

Like most disaster films, it’s not a film that just covers the disaster as some sort of isolated event. Instead, we follow a small group of survivors, led by Kristoffer Joner, Ane Dahl Torp, and Hang Tran.

The group attempts to avoid getting swallowed up in the destruction happening around them. The big set piece of the film centers around a skyscraper that gets ripped in half, with parts of the archway losing its support and leaving the characters in a perilous situation.

Effects wise the film looks solid. There are a couple of really impressive wide-angle shots that give us a good look at Norway being destroyed by natural causes instead of immigrant rape gangs, which is fascinating given that the latter is real while the former is fantasy. I suppose the stranger than fiction maxim really applies in this case.

We don’t get many big-budget disaster movies out of Northern Europe, so it’s interesting to see a film like The Quake pop up. It’s set to hit theaters in that region soon and streaming services shortly thereafter.

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