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1531970cookie-checkXbox Games With Gold For December Get Downvoted By Xbox Gamers

Xbox Games With Gold For December Get Downvoted By Xbox Gamers

If you wanted a selection of forgettable games to tide you over during Christmas, well, Microsoft was sure thinking about you. The December, 2018 Games With Gold line-up was revealed and oh boy are they not good at all.

Over in the Sony camp a bunch of PlayStation gamers were niggling Sony up the no-no hole over the PlayStation Plus offerings for December, 2018. However, those games look like the Buckingham Palace compared to the Motel 6 offerings Microsoft is tossing to Xbox One owners.

Over on the Xbox News Wire there’s a roll out of the games you can acquire throughout December for free if you’re an Xbox Live Gold subscriber.

It starts with Q.U.B.E. 2 between December 1st and December 31st for the Xbox One, followed by Never Alone between December 16th and January 15th for the Xbox One.

Then there’s Dragon Age II from the Xbox 360, which will be backwards compatible for the Xbox One, and the OG Xbox version of Mercenaries from 15 years ago, which is also backwards compatible with the Xbox One.

Quite naturally, the YouTube ratings for the reveal did not go down well with the Xbox nation.


Hilariously enough it’s almost identical to the PlayStation’s user rating.


There’s a few more PlayStation gamers, though, and slightly more angry Xbox gamers. It makes sense given that at least Soma was a good game, and Onrush might actually be fun to play with a few good mates. The less said about Dragon Age II, however, the better.

I’m not sure why both Sony and Microsoft are in a race to the bottom to displease their fans, but for some reason they just seem to be on a downward spiral and refuse to get out of the tailspin.

Anyway, you can look for the Games With Gold to go live starting December 1st.

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