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1534020cookie-checkDragon Quest XI Video Compares PS4, Nintendo Switch Graphics

Dragon Quest XI Video Compares PS4, Nintendo Switch Graphics

A new video has popped up comparing the graphical differences between the Nintendo Switch version of Dragon Quest XI S and the PS4 version of Square’s JRPG.

The video is only two minutes long, covering the rendering changes that the Unreal Engine-powered game has undergone in order to run at an optimized frame-rate on Nintendo’s system.

Twinfinite did an article about the changes, and you can check out the video below that highlights the side-by-side comparisons between both versions of the game.

Dragon Quest XI on the Switch shows more simplified shaders. It lacks the physically based rendering of the PlayStation 4, where there are more dynamic light sources and shadowing at work.

Instead, the shadows have been simplified with more basic area shadows in effect as opposed to dynamic shadow mapping.

We also see that in scenes like the throne room, the characters have more physically based light sourcing, with the reflections from the environment rendered on the armor of the PS4 version. The Switch features more specular highlighting.

The overall graphical aesthetic still fits in line with the Switch. In a video from SuperMetalDave64 you get a better idea of how both systems match-up graphically in motion.

We also see that a lot of the environmental shadows have been completely removed from the Switch version, with Square not even opting to bake the shadows into the scene.

Grphically, though, the game still doesn’t look bad, but you definitely see the differences between the physically based rendering of the PS4 version and the more static light mapping for the Switch version.

Dragon Quest XI S doesn’t look like too much of a downgrade compared to the PS4 version of Dragon Quest XI. So long as the frame-rate is solid and the gameplay is intact, Dragon Quest XI S might not be that bad of a purchase for Switch owners.

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