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1534570cookie-checkEnd Of Year Discussion: The Worst Games And Events Of 2018

End Of Year Discussion: The Worst Games And Events Of 2018

It is here, as mentioned in the last Open Discussion on this site that there will be the worst and best stuff of this year, you now have the chance to list what is irksome of 2018. Now that the first part of the series is live for readers, you can express what video games, comics, movies, developers, publishers and so on are the worst of this year.

Before the year closes out, you have the opportunity to offer your list of the worst video games, comic books, developers, movies and other forms of entertainment in the comment section below.

The list you compile will not face any form of censorship, meaning that you can post up things that rubbed you the wrong way, something that had your hopes up high only to be crushed, and other forms of entertainment that fall in the spectrum of a pet peeve or worse.

In addition to the above, you can go into much detail as to why you feel irked by whatever game, publisher, developer or other forms of entertainment without holding back.

Moreover, if WordPress or Disqus censors a comment or holds a string of your comments captive in pending just let us know and we’ll try to fix the problem.

Also, something worth noting is that you can use this piece to avoid games, movies, developers, publishers comic books and products that you are second guessing or considering picking up by asking in the comment section below. In other words, if you feel your time is precious before wasting it on something disappointing you now know what to do.

Lastly, if you don’t know, tomorrow’s “End of Year” will solely focus on the best of games, developers, and other forms of media. Additionally, December 30th is all about the best things you can find about the year 2018.

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