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Gang Beasts, Four-Player Party Game Heads To Xbox One January 23rd, 2019

Double Fine Productions and Boneloaf announced that the multiplayer beat-’em-up party game, Gang Beasts, will be launching on the Xbox One starting January 23rd, 2019 next month. The game will be available for just $19.99, but during the initial pre-order phase you’ll be able to pick up a digital copy for 20% off the normal price.

The game garnered a mass amount of popularity even before it actually released. YouTubers really helped put Boneloaf’s indie project on the map back in early 2014 just ahead of when it entered into Early Access on Steam. It stayed in Early Access over the course of the next three years, receiving a number of refinements and updates until it officially graduated from Early Access in 2017.

Double Fine also picked up some of the production overhead in late 2014 as they helped Boneloaf move toward the finish line. After successfully launching on PC the game also launched on the PlayStation 4.

The Xbox One is the latest platform to receive the title, and it will feature everything that the other platforms sport, including the four-player battle royal modes where you must toss your opponents out of the arena to become the winner, and the survival mode where you face off against a number of NPC opponents and must survive as long as possible on different stages.

The puddy-body ragdoll physics are still intact, along with the colorful customization features that allows you to outfit your character in ways that best suits your aesthetic sensibilities.

I’m curious if a Nintendo Switch port will be inbound in the near future as well? In the meantime you’ll be able to add the game to your Xbox One digital library starting January 23rd, 2019 next month. The PS4 and PC version also recently received an update to iron out a few kinks and make a few improvements to the overall gameplay.

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