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Monster Boy Sold 8 Times More On Nintendo Switch Than PS4, Xbox One

Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom on the Nintendo Switch has reportedly sold 8:1 compared to the Xbox One and PS4 release of the game.

The news came courtesy of a tweet from FDG Entertainment on January 8th, 2019, where the company revealed that the game’s sales have been the highest on the Switch and that the most profitable version has been the Switch version.

According to GearNuke, they report that the game’s sales had eclipsed 50,000 units back in December of 2018, which they estimate puts the Switch sales at around 44,000, or 43,750 to be more exact.

FDG Entertainment also noted back in August that Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King moved 20 times as many units on the Switch compared to the Steam version.

Either Switch gamers are absolutely starved for content, or they really appreciate classically made side-scrolling games and hand-animated titles for their portable hybrid.

It’s at least nice to know that the game is selling well on the Switch and that there’s an audience that still appreciates quality made side-scrollers and adventure games.

Monster Boy is like a love-letter to the old-school of gaming, back when developers were focused on making fun titles that challenged players instead of trying to frustrate them enough to whip out the ‘ole credit card and buy some pots from the cash shop in order to speed through the level and avoid any kind of grinding or hardships, which is common in games published by Ubisoft, Activision, and Electronic Arts.

Anyway, if you’re interested in grabbing a copy of Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom, you can do so by paying a kind visit to the Nintendo eShop or by grabbing a physical copy for $39.99 from your local retailer.

(Thanks for the news tip RandomDev)

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