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Westworld Mobile Game Shuts Down April 16th, 2019 Following Bethesda Lawsuit Settlement

Back in the summer of 2018 Bethesda sued the company making the Westworld mobile game, which was being published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Bethesda claimed that the developer of the game, Behaviour Interactive, stole code from Fallout Shelter, the mobile Fallout game that came out back in 2015 for Android and Apple smart devices.

Back on January 4th, 2019, it was widely reported that Bethesda and Warner Bros., had settled the lawsuit after Behaviour and Warner Bros., denied having stolen any code from Fallout Shelter.

The details over the accusations and what Bethesda alleged was covered in depth by YouTuber SidAlpha. Where it was discussed how Bethesda claimed that Behaviour had copied the code because an exact replica bug that was found in Fallout Shelter was found in the Westworld mobile game.

Well, fast forward to January 17th, 2019 and reports are now indicating that the Westworld game is now prepping to shut down.

According to Eteknix, the game is already off of the Google Play and the iTunes App Store, and for those who already own the app, it will cease to receive support or online functionality after April 16th, 2019, where it will be permanently shut down.

Now as pointed out in a video by LegendKillerHD, we don’t actually know if the shut down is in result of the settlement, or as part of the settlement, or as a condition of the settlement. All we do know is that after the settlement occurred, the game is now prepping to shut down in the spring.

If you actually cared about playing the game, you might want to do so right now by getting your hands on APK from a local seafaring trader.

You can look for the game to go completely bust this spring where no one will be able to play it anymore.

(Thanks for the news tip Ezguerila)

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