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1537030cookie-checkCapcom Removes Denuvo DRM From Resident Evil 7

Capcom Removes Denuvo DRM From Resident Evil 7

The Denuvo anti-tamper digital rights media protection has reportedly been removed from the Steam version of Resident Evil 7. The update was noted by PC gaming website DSO Gaming.

Back on January 28th, 2019 there was an update to the Steam version of Resident Evil 7 indicating that the Denuvo DRM had been removed. This was noted via an entry on the SteamDB page for Resident Evil 7, where you can clearly see that the DRM had been removed from the database.


This is also reflective of the changes over on the Steam store page, where the game only lists the EULA for Resident Evil 7 as the only DRM available for the game.


It appears more and more companies are abandoning the Denuvo DRM train for the pro-consumer pastures as opposed to trying to fight the unwinnable battle against the pirates sailing the digital seas.

Sega did something similar with the upcoming release of Yakuza Kiwami. Only they actually removed the DRM ahead of the game’s release, sparing them the need to sift through a forum full of angry PC gamers unable to play the game properly due to performance-related issues due to Denuvo. Whether or not Sega will honor the removal of Denuvo up through and past the release of Yakuza Kiwami remains to be seen, but they also join the likes of IO Interactive and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, who also recently removed the Denuvo DRM from Hitman 2, which came out last fall.

Capcom may be a little late to the party with Resident Evil 7’s excision of DRM, but I suppose the old saying fits here: better late than never.

You can actually get your hands on the 2017 release from the Steam store for just $29.99. However, that’s not including all the other DLC packs that released for the game, which will cost you something extra.

(Thanks for the news tip EvaUnit02)

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