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Brightburn’s Second Trailer Teases Gore And Horror-Themed Super Villainy

The Collective and Screen Gems’ Brightburn looks like the kind of super hero deconstruction film that many fans of the genre might have been waiting for. It’s a look at the potential outcome of a Superman-tier child that goes off the deep end and becomes a horrific, violent super villain.

The original trailer was more about teasing the premise of the film rather than getting into the meat of it. The second trailer showcases more of the child’s violent tendencies that lead to gory results. In one case it appears as if he dismembers a little girl’s hand, while in another case he tortures a waitress, which results in glass getting stuck in her face and eyes.

You can check out the trailer below, which was posted up over on Sony Pictures’ YouTube channel.

The film seems reminiscent of classic horror films like The Bad Seed or The Omen. Only this time around Brian and Mark Gunn have taken the concept of an evil child and filtered the story through the lens of a super hero archetype, only… this time the main character isn’t a hero but rather a villain.

We know that some aspect of the villainy spawns from bullying, but obviously there’s more to it than that. We see that the escalation of violence takes place over time, eventually leading to the boy completely destroying a plane with all the passengers on board.

The trailer keeps the tension on an incline, eventually resulting in the boy seemingly coming after his own surrogate mother.

This looks like the kind of horror flick that might be well worth a watch when it drops into theaters this May. Maybe if it does well enough we’ll see more super hero flicks dabble in the horror template, as it’s a thoroughly underutilized sub-genre of film. It’s also basically if Injustice’s storyline took place when Superman was a kid instead of an adult, which could make for some interesting viewing.

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