Marvel book editor Wil Moss confirmed to the A/V Club that they will be ending UNbeatable Squirrel Girl at issue #50. According to Newsarama the final issue of the comic is expected to arrive around November, 2019, marking an end of an era for the SJW-friendly comic book character.
Moss told the A/V Club…
“”[Unbeatable Squirrel Girl] has genuinely connected with a new generation of comic book readers. All the kids who have mailed in fan art and pictures of their costumes and their pets, all the kids who have found the series through book fairs and libraries. To know that the first comic book for so many people is such a positive, creative comic as Squirrel Girl makes me very proud.”
As pointed out by Newsarama, they aren’t calling it a “cancellation” but are instead attempting to frame the situation as the book simply coming to an end in preparation of new writers taking over the character from artists Derek Charm and Rico Renzi, while new writers will step in for Ryan North.
Salty Cracker had some good laughs at their expense with a video outlining how the hideously deformed Squirrel Girl – a darling in the SJW circles – basically got the boot from Marvel.
Part of the reason why they probably didn’t want to call it a cancellation is because if they did then it would mean that we could very well slap Unbeatable Squirrel Girl on the Get Woke; Go Broke – Master List.
It’s a little difficult to add the comic now if the creators are trying to play it off that they simply are moving on and new creators are coming in to take over the character.
The big question is if they will attempt to make the character appealing to actual comic book fans, or will they stick to trying to court the SJWs like before?
Plenty of profile-pronoun plebeians were in the thread of North’s announcement on Twitter, crying about how much they loved the Social Justice-safe Squirrel.
SG is literally the only thing I read that doesn’t have the name “Peter Milligan” on the cover. How am I gonna live, man.
— La Nenuca (@claudiall_real) May 23, 2019
Sad news, but I have to assume this is just a brief hiatus and they’ll be rebooting her character to tie in with the new @unbeatablesg movie trilogy which they have undoubtedly planned.
— ??????? ℕ????? (@miken32) May 23, 2019
wow… I can’t believe it. Squirrel Girl actually was the character that got me into Marvel in the first place and also kind of the reason I might be dual majoring in computer science. I’ll definitely miss her but the memories I have makes everything worth it.
— Catherine Giugno (@CatherineGiugno) May 23, 2019
This news isn’t sad for me because Doreen wouldn’t want us to be sad to say goodbye. I’m so proud of you and the whole team and this wonderful comic, Ryan!! Thank you for writing it and I’m sure it will end perfectly
— Haley Boros (@hihaleyboros) May 23, 2019
50 issues is an amazing run.
Almost at Spider-Girl level, there.
Big congratulations to all involved and may many of the characters in this run show up in the near future.
— Eli (@elknight20) May 24, 2019
thank you!!
— RYAN RULZ OK (@ryanqnorth) May 26, 2019
You’ll notice that the one thing that thread lacks more than self-awareness is comic book fans.
Many people note that they don’t regularly read comics or aren’t into them, which kind of seems what the audience (or lack thereof) that they were gunning for with Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.
To give you an idea of how well the comic does, the numbers from January, 2019 courtesy of Comichron put it at 8,257.
For reference, the best selling comic of January was Batman Who Laughs at 116,827 units.
So… yeah.
This is typical of most Marvel comics these days, as they’ve had a tough time keeping their books in the top-sellers list outside of the #1 issues. For instance, only one of Marvel’s comics that wasn’t a #1 issue made it into the top 10 list for January. And anything apart from the Spider-Man family of comics struggles to make it into the top 10 consistently.
This has been a troubled story for Marvel since around 2012 when they began focusing more and more on Social Justice propaganda instead of delivering worthwhile stories with beloved characters.
They eventually replaced the editor-in-chief and promised that they would be stepping away from the SJW stories after canceling several SJW-themed comics. That was back in 2017.
Things have quieted down since then but they still haven’t really recovered. We’ll see what they do with the Squirrel Girl character after this latest run wraps up this fall. Will they keep trying to court the SJWs or reboot the character in an attempt to lure in actual comic book fans?
(Thanks for the news tip Ennis)
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