Star Control: Origins received a new update on June 20th 2019 and we are going to take a quick look at what it changes about the game. Before we get to the update it must be said that this update comes a few days after settling the copyright infringement lawsuit against them. Although we don’t have all the details of that settlement, it is known that Stardock Entertainment will keep ownership of the Star Control name and a new game is in the works with Paul Reiche and Stardock. Now then, this new update makes some significant improvements to the game’s visual presentation as well as fixing some bugs.
As is the norm of the time a trailer for the new update was uploaded to YouTube by Stardock Entertainment.
The 1.4 update improves the terrain of planets in a multitude of ways. It improves the textures of the planets making them far more detailed than they were previously. Additionally the terrain rendering system was tweaked to improve the frame rate. Lastly on the planet side of visual improvements, the lighting on the planet surface was improved a bit.
The planet terrains were not the only visual improvements in this update. The colors of some creatures were adjusted a bit. Several props at texture improvements. The magma hazard was visual effect was updated to improve performance. The lander textures were improved to help the windows stand out a bit more. Lastly the Bull creature was given a bit brighter appearance.
As I noted above, this new update also fixes a few bugs. There is a fix for particles not being properly aligned to the surface as well as a general particle sorting and disappearing issue. Additionally, they fixed the issue of the game crashing due to particle effects when trying to escape the bounds of reality. There is also a fix for a backward listener orientation when in a true 5.1 setup.
With this new update the game is looking and playing better than ever. If you are interested in learning more about the new update you can check out the official site of Stardock Entertainment. Any other new updates will be talked about here at One Angry Gamer as they roll in.