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My Friend Pedro Cheats Feature Godmode, Unlimited Focus Time

DeadToast Entertainment and Devolver Digital’s My Friend Pedro is already on the path to becoming a sleeper hit classic for the new generation of gamers. If you lack the skills to progress through the game at a reasonable clip or if you just want to through around in the game there are some cheats available.

The first My Friend Pedro cheats trainer is free to download from over on the Mr. Antifun page.

The My Friend Pedro cheats contain the following options:

Infinite Health

Infinite Ammo

No Reload

Infinite Focus

Fast Kill

There’s a second cheat trainer for the game available over on Cheat Happens.

The trainer is premium so you’ll have to lay down some coin for the trainer, but otherwise, it will give you access to the following My Friend Pedro cheats:

Unlimited Health

No Damage

Unlimited Focus Time

Unlimited Jumps

No Reload

There’s a third trainer available for download, featuring both free and premium cheats from over on

The My Friend Pedro cheats from MegaDev will outfit with god mode and easy kills as listed below:

+1,000 Score

Score multiplier: +1

Infinite Ammo

Infinite Dodge

Infinite Jump Power

So if you wanted to breeze through the game without taking damage, you use the god mode. If you want to avoid getting spotted you enable the stealth mode. Alternatively, the easy kills make it where enemies won’t soak up more than a single bullet before they drop dead.

Unfortunately, the cheats only work for the PC version, so you’re fresh out of luck if you own a copy for the Nintendo Switch.

Even still, My Friend Pedro is a pretty badass game that’s like a mix of Max PayneDeadpool, and Not A Hero stirred together in a blender.

The game sees players taking on the role of a gunman who must jump, flip, dodge, and shoot his way through a series of enemies across a diverse series of levels, using zip lines, spin moves, gun-ballet to dispatch countless enemies.

While the game isn’t very long the core of the game is finding new ways to play through the scenarios again using different types of combinations and items to take out foes, such as using a frying pan to ricochet bullets off the kitchenware to down enemies or flipping a skateboard around to bop the board off an enemy’s head while peppering his buddy with enough lead to make the dead kid corpses in Flint jealous.

The biggest criticism so far is that it’s not very long, but neither was the original Max Payne, but it was still a cool game.

My Friend Pedro is available right now for $19.99 over on the Steam store page or the Nintendo eShop.

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