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Terminator 2029 Fan Game Is The Terminator Game We’ve Always Wanted

Terminator: Resistance has been receiving a modicum of praise by first-person shooter fans and some Terminator aficionados (or the few that’s left). Why? Because it doesn’t completely suck. Yes, that’s how low a standard people have for games these days. So long as the controls work and the gameplay and animations are barely passable as “entertaining”, people will be willing to shell out money for it. However, some indie gamers are showing that such terribly low standards shouldn’t be the standard, and that the status quo could be so much better.

The developers working on the game have been slowly rolling out new information and updates over on the Facebook page, where they’ve revealed concept art, design theory, and some videos for the project. It’s called Tech-Com: 2029 – A Terminator Game. It follows Kyle Reese during the future war segments of the franchise as he attempts to make his way to Skynet through a war-torn battlefield.

Everything about this game – even though it’s still early on in development – is a perfect representation of what fans wanted from the Terminator franchise but never received. You can check out the trailer for the game below.

Obviously the promotional trailer doesn’t quite give you as in-depth a look at the gameplay as actual raw footage. Thankfully, YouTuber Mr H Reviews did a 24 minute playthrough of the game, showcasing the gunplay, some of the enemies, and the dark atmosphere that truly encapsulates James Cameron’s vision for the first two Terminator films.

It’s very reminiscent of the old UDK Terminator demo that came out back in like 2011 or so. It’s amazing how well that old demo holds up and how no newer games have been able to capture what they were able to capture some eight years ago.

For the Tech-Com: 2029 demo, the game definitely has some rough spots around the edges. Some of the textures are misaligned on the corners, like the brick textures on the wall, where the sides appear to have lower resolution textures than the bricks around the doorway. You can see it clearly at the 14:49 mark.

Also the game is extremely dark to the point where you can’t actually see what’s going on at times, and there are a few spots where you can apparently get stuck.

However, as far as capturing the danger and dread of the future segments from the first two Terminator films, Tech-Com: 2029 does it perfectly. The Hunter Killers fly around menacingly while firing on anything that they see, and the desolated remnants of Los Angeles makes for a perfect playground for laser-oriented gunplay.

The biggest issue that Terminator: Resistance suffered from was that the AI was pants-on-head retarded, and the pathfinding was extremely limited, and the Terminators themselves never really chased around the player-character the way they should have. Most times they were limited in how they interacted with players due to their spawn distance being relatively short to the player’s position. So moving outside of that cone caused them to de-spawn.

Also, having large portions of the game taking place mostly during the day really diminished any sense of the atmosphere feeling like a nightmare or a war-ravaged hellscape.

And don’t even get me started on the nonsensical Terminator: Salvation and its equally ridiculous tie-in game.

Anyway, keep an eye on the Tech-Com: 2029 Facebook page for more information on the game. If they don’t get ceased and desisted out of existence, the team is expecting to release the game for free at some point during the fourth quarter of 2020.

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