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Trails Of Cold Steel 3 Adds Free Faculty Swimsuit Set

NIS America is constantly on the receiving end of a lot of criticism for the poor handling of certain franchises and launches. For instance, there are always some kind of localization or translation issues with certain games, especially from the Ys series, or most recently there was the lack of the “Active Red” bikini DLC for Yuna in Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III. However, NISA has claimed that they will be fixing the “Active Red” bikini DLC by bringing it to Westerners for free for a limited time. They also decided to give away the Faculty Swimsuit Set for free, too.

If you head on over to the PlayStation Store you can grab the Trails of Cold Steel III: Faculty Swimsuit Set right now as part of a free DLC promotion for the game.

There’s a video preview of the new swimsuit pack that was put together by YouTuber kintips, which you can check out below.

The two minute video gives you a brief look at the outfits for the three characters, Juna, Altina and Musse.

This will hopefully help keep some gamers occupied while they wait for NIS America to finally release the “Active Red” bikini DLC for Juna.

Originally Westerners expected to get their hands on the DLC when the other bikini packs were made available for Altina and Musse.

When gamers brought this to the attention of NISA, they didn’t deny it or try to make it go away by deflecting with some lame excuse, they simply acknowledged that the Juna bikini DLC was not made available in the West alongside the Altina and Musse bikinis, and promised to make Juna’s “Active Red” bikini available for free for a limited time in the West. They didn’t exactly say for how long the bikini DLC would be free, but I’m guessing it will be free for like a week or two before going back to being paid DLC.

[Update:] According to the NISA blog, The “Active Red” bikini DLC will be available starting December 20th, and it will be available for free for everyone up until January 5th, 2020. Starting January 6th, 2020 the DLC will be available for $1.99, but it will be free for PS Plus subscribers.

In any case, you might want to grab the free Faculty Swimsuit Set right now while it costs you nothing if you have a copy of Trails of Cold Steel III before they slap a price tag on the content.

(Thanks for the news tip FlutterDash)

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