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Code Vein Update Makes The Revenant Bath Towel Costume Available

Western gamers were completely befuddled why one of the heavily promoted bonus features of Code Vein, the hot springs bath towel, wasn’t available in the West. Well, technically you could still use it when you visited the hot springs, but you weren’t able to make use of it while running around and about… until now.

Gamers have confirmed that with update version 1.12 the bath towel is now a usable costume outside of the hot springs.


This is very big news for everyone who wanted to see their busty waifu wearing nothing but a skimpy towel.

Previously you could only see your custom character wearing the thin white cloth while attending the hot springs, but now you’ll be able to equip it and run around everywhere with it.

Gamers originally complained to Bandai Namco about the towel not being available as a costume when they noticed that those in Asia were able to use it as a costume but not those in the West… save for a few streamers who were given special deluxe edition keys.

We never really received a proper answer as to why the bath towel was only available to select people and why it wasn’t made available for everyone from the start, but I guess adding it in later rather than never is better than nothing.

Now that the bath towel is available to use for your custom characters, you can go wild with fighting enemies, taking on bosses, and throwing down the gauntlet while wearing nothing but a thin layer of linen protecting your birthday suit from a bunch of blood-starved villains.

Code Vein is currently available both physically and digitally for the Xbox One and PS4, and digitally available for PC over on the Steam store.

(Thanks for the news tip Hot Kasuragi and Ebicentre)

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