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Trepang2, F.E.A.R.-Inspired FPS Has A Free Demo Available For Download

Trepang Studios’ Trepang2 is a high-end first-person shooter that takes a lot of inspiration from Monolith Productions’ F.E.A.R. series, including slow-motion gunfights, extreme gore and even dismemberment.

AlphaBetaGamer did a short article detailing the gameplay and what the core mechanics are like, as well as posted up a video from the demo build that you can check out below.

In the near-ten minute video it starts with the player-character in a facility, chained up and attempting to find his way out of the facility.

The first few minutes are all stealth based, as the player-character needs to stay out of the light and avoid being spotted by the security team attempting to track down and take out the player.

Things get intense, real fast.

A lot of the appeal is that the game has a very hyper-realistic aesthetic to it, and the enemies look relentless.

It doesn’t take long for the player-character to get geared up and acquire body armor and tactical gloves, along with a SPAS-12 and a sub-machine gun.

Trepang2 - Hallway

The very first shootout featured in the video above is littered with violence and gore.

The ragdoll effects are a little overdone, but seeing sparks, body parts, and blood spray everywhere reminds us of just how much newer games have been dumbed down to cater towards pansies and violence-averse beta males.

In short, this isn’t a game for software entertainment cuckolds.

I think there still needs to be a lot of refinement with the shootouts. Sometimes there are so many sparks and ricochet effects that it’s tough to tell what you’re looking at. I also think the bloom and muzzle flash are slightly overwhelming.

However, there’s still plenty of time before the game actually releases. Hopefully the developers ensure that the quality of the gameplay comes first and it feels grounded and immersive.

The free demo contains the story prologue as well as a wave-based survival mode. So you can check that out right now by visiting the Steam store page and downloading the demo.

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