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1564770cookie-checkMosaic, Interactive Story About A Mega-Corporation Dystopia Heads To Consoles January 23rd

Mosaic, Interactive Story About A Mega-Corporation Dystopia Heads To Consoles January 23rd

Publisher Raw Fury and developer Krillbite Studio announced that the interactive, adventure-puzzle game, Mosaic, will be arriving on home consoles starting January 23rd, 2020. The experimental title originally launched on PC back in early December, and a month later it’s now prepping to arrive on Switch, PS4, and Xbox One.

The game puts you in the role of a corporate office worker trapped in a mundane, tightly controlled society operated and overseen by a mega-corporation. You’re stuck in a loop until one day things take a drastic change, and instead of going through the perfunctory motion of heading to work and recycling your daily routine ad nauseam.

The game has a low-poly, almost monochromatic color scheme to represent the decay of urban repetition.

The gameplay is a mixture of point-and-click mechanics and some basic third-person exploration. You’ll mostly walk from one location to the next and use context-sensitive cues to help clue you in on where to go and what to do.

The game has mixed reviews over on the Steam store, because plenty of people like the concept but feel as if it’s more of an interactive walking simulator than an actual game.

Therein lies the problem for a lot of people who would prefer to play something that’s more traditionalist in its presentation, rather than the hipster-themed content that they’re being presented with in Mosaic.

So long story short, the game is likely going to resonate with people who aren’t actually looking for a hardcore game to play, but will probably appeal very little to the hardcore crowd. Given that console gamers purchase consoles to play games and not watch interactive movies (unless you own a PS4) I can’t see Mosaic being a big mover or shaker on PS4, Switch, or Xbox One when it does release on January 23rd.

You can currently pick up a digital copy from the Steam store or from the GOG store $19.99.

For more info on the Switch version, feel free to visit the Nintendo eShop page.

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