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No Man’s Sky Living Ship Update Lets You Breed And Fly Organic Spaceships

Hello Games may have received a lot of flak for their initial release of No Man’s Sky four years ago, having made lots of promises leading up to the game’s release and failed to deliver on any of them. However, over the years the small team located in the U.K., have been working tirelessly to improve and advance on a concept that they pitched to the general public years before the game dropped, and now it’s at a point where the latest update features the ability to breed and grow ships into flying vessels.

The feature is as bizarre as it sounds, and it’s part of a free update for No Man’s Sky on home consoles and PC.

The gist of the update centers around a new starship type that allows you to incubate, grow, and hatch an organic being into an actual flying spaceship.

These ships are also unlike any other craft in the game and can’t be upgraded in the same way. You can see what they look like with the launch trailer for the update below.

The narration from the late Rutger Hauer really adds some extra flavor to the trailer, does it not?

A lot of people in the comment section are overwhelmed by the fact that this was something that Hello Games never promised yet delivered in spades.

Many noted the abeyance of features that were promised for Elite: Dangerous but have yet to arrive. Yet for No Man’s Sky we’re seeing that not only has Hello Games finally delivered on everything they initially promised (save for giant Dune-tier sandworms) but they’re now adding completely original content not featured in any other game that completely surprised their audience.

Not only that, but the living ships in No Man’s Sky require a certain kind of nurturing and pampering in order to upgrade certain features, such as hyperdrive capacity, flight speed, and maneuverability. It’s like a cross between Street Rod and Tamagotchi and in space.

No Man's Sky - LivingShipWarp-1

According to the post on the official No Man’s Sky website, this is just the first of many big things to come for the game throughout 2020.

They also have plans on releasing a lot more content at a regular basis each month in between the large-scale uber-updates.

If you already have No Man’s Sky the Living Ships update is currently patched and live for the game. If you don’t already own a copy of the game, it’s currently available for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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