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1557690cookie-checkPsycho Goreman Trailer Lives Up To Being A Psychotic, Gory Action-Horror Film

Psycho Goreman Trailer Lives Up To Being A Psychotic, Gory Action-Horror Film

Steven Kostanski’s Psycho Goreman is a 1980’s inspired action-horror film with comedy elements about an extra-dimensional being that ends up in the possession of a young girl. His name? Psycho Goreman.

The film reminds me a lot of Mad George’s 1991 action flick The Guyver, which was based around practical effects and ridiculous looking monsters.

In this case, however, the monsters are a lot more original looking and are definitely more horrific when it comes to their actions.

The story is pretty simple, Goreman is resurrected via an amulet by two little kids. The amulet allows the kids to control Goreman, but he apparently has a penchant for murder. This attracts an intergalactic league of alien hunters who come searching for him, which results in all manner of violence ensuing.

You can check out the trailer below courtesy of Movie Trailers Source.

The presentation of the film as 1980s B-movie schlock is quite apropos to the low-budget appeal that the movie presents.

In some ways it reminds me of new-age, ultra-violent grindhouse films like Hobo With A Shotgun and Turbo Kid.

The only difference is that it doesn’t hold back what it’s about in terms of content. You see lots of blood and gore right there in the trailer, with humans being decapitated, monsters getting slashed, people being mutilated, and lots of bloodletting taking place.

Psycho Goreman - Techno Angel

The comment section rightfully pointed out that it’s a little bit like Gremlins meets Hellraiser meets Power Rangers.

I can’t really argue with that description.

It’s hard to get a decent gauge on what the actual action sequences are like because they kind of skid by in a flash in the trailer, but if it keeps thing moving at a solid pace, not unlike the movie The Guest, then it could be a cult-classic in the making.

You can look to get your hands on Psycho Goreman starting March 13th.

(Thanks for the news tip Migi)

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