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1551460cookie-checkMichigan Governor Threatens Quarantine Extension To Punish Protestors
Angry Assault

Michigan Governor Threatens Quarantine Extension To Punish Protestors

Protesting your oligarchy could result in further punishment from said oligarchy… oops, I meant government. Same thing twice over, right? Some governors are showing their true colors for the kind of Left-wing authoritarianism that most normal people fear. As the headline states, Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer is threatening to extend the quarantine lockdown if people don’t stop protesting the way she’s handled the coronavirus in Michigan.

According to the Washington Examiner, after issuing a stay-at-home order, free rights activists took to the streets to protest at the capital while also maintaining six-feet of separation from one another in order to abide by the “social distancing” mandate.

However, Whitmer was not amused, and went on Rachel Maddow’s Left-wing propagandist show that airs on MSNBC to threaten further lockdowns if people don’t stop protesting. The clip was also posted by MSNBC on their Twitter account, which you can view below.

She sounds Canadian.

If you’re unable to view the clip, you can view a backup of the clip courtesy of

Anyway, a lot of the protests are in response to Whitmer’s despotic measures put in place to supposedly combat COVID-19. As previously reported by Politico, Whitmer prohibited people from buying seeds and partaking in outdoor gardening, something many preppers were planning on doing to avoid being caught up in a panic if the quarantine lasts throughout the summer so that they can grow their own food that could be ready to harvest by fall.

There were reportedly signs in grocery stores indicating that you can’t purchase seeds.

California Governor Puts Trust In Big Tech To Maintain “Syndromic Surveillance”

While some other states aren’t as draconian when it comes to trying to curb people’s freedoms for no other purpose than to flex their authoritative muscles, they’re still displaying frightening attempts to further strip away your freedoms under the guise of “protection”.

A good example is California governor Gavin Newsom putting trust in Big Tech to monitor and track pandemics via mobile apps that they’re calling “syndromic surveillance”.

Frontpagemag picked up the news from CNBC, where Newsom told the hosts of CNBC’s Fast Money…

“We’re so pleased with the work Mark Zuckerberg has been doing to support the open access of appropriate data in an anonymized way, in a non-individual or personalized way, including Apple and Google and others. That is really going to help us with the technology platforms to help us supplement or support the efforts of the individual tracers, an army that we’re all starting to build and train…”

CNBC was obviously on board with the idea, claiming that since most people have mobile phones they can easily be tracked by installing apps that allow Big Tech to monitor people who supposedly have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

In the article they explain…

“Experts have started to call on the private sector to help follow the spread of coronavirus using so-called “syndromic surveillance,” a technique that can be used to track pandemics.

“Tech companies are particularly well-positioned to do it, since most people in the U.S. own a phone where apps can be installed.”

Basically, the more embedded you become in Big Tech control culture, the more they’ll be able to monitor and dictate what access you have in life. And if you don’t like it? Well, they know where you live.

(Thanks for the news tips alex9234 and MaverickHL)

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