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Pro Cycling Manager 2020 Beta Testing Takes Place April 13th – 27th

Nacon and Cyanide Studios announced that ahead of the release of Pro Cycling Manager 2020 they’re holding a beta testing phase for those interested in checking the game out. You can sign-up for the beta test right now.

Registration is open over on the official Pro Cycling Manager 2020 website.

Registration will be open up until April 9th, 2020. So you’ll have to work fast if you want to participate.

The beta itself will take place between April 13th and April 27th.

This beta is just to get general feedback on the game, Cynanide has a very specific purpose for it. They want to test out and get feedback specifically on the new overhauled Dashboard feature, as well as two brand new mechanics added to the game, including the new planning system where you can automatically assign races to cyclists and the morale management system, which will allow you to see how each rider is feeling and what their state of mind is like.

Pro Cycling Manager - Countryside

Each entry in the Pro Cycling Manager series seems to improve on the previous entry, and usually Cyanide is good with adding more quality of life features, squashing bugs, and adding more features and improving the overall gameplay.

Instead of putting Pro Cycling Manager 2020 into Early Access, they decided to hold some limited beta tests instead leading up towards its release. However, keep in mind that the beta tests are only available for the Steam version of the game, so if you had plans on getting it on Xbox One or PS4, you have no way of play-testing it beforehand on those consoles.

The full game is expected to arrive on June 4th, 2020 on Steam for PC. They didn’t roll out a release date on when the game would arrive for consoles but they’ll likely announce that after they get the PC version all ironed out.

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