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Battletoads Cheats Offer Infinite Health, Easy Boss Kills, And Quick Hacking 2020

If you are having trouble trying to play Battletoads and your skills are as low as the Try Guys, then a list of paid and free PC trainers are now available for download.

Battletoads is the work of Microsoft, Dlala Studios, and Rare Studios. And if you can’t tell by the art style, the game is made for those who like to play with their wife’s boyfriend, which means cheats shouldn’t be necessary but [current year] is breeding journo skill gamers left and right, so trainers are likely needed.

With that said, you can grab a bunch of cheats from the website, which holds the following 11 Battletoads cheats:

No Damage to Player

Infinite Health

Easy Boss Kills

Super Combo

Cannot Crash Bike

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If you want more Battletoads cheats so that you can beat the “new” version of Battletoads, then you need to worry no more. Website holds the very cheats below:


Infinite Health

One Hit Kills

Super Rank / Score

Super Speed

Additional Battletoads cheats trainers follow suit in the form of five new options thanks to website

No Damage to Player

Infinite Health

Easy Boss Kills

Super Combo

Cannot Crash Bike

And for those looking for more cheats shouldn’t look any further since the website holds six additional Battletoads cheats trainers:

NumPad4: Super Speed

NumPad1: Infinite Health

NumPad2: One Hit Kills

NumPad3: Super Rank / Score

NumPad4: Super Speed

And lastly, if you want another alternative to cheat your way to the top in the [current year] edition of Battletoads, then don’t fret. Thanks to website, five more are up for download:

Infinite Health

One Hit Kills

Super Rank / Score

Super Speed

Slow Motion

Battletoads is out right now for PC (via Steam and the Windows Store) and the Xbox One family of consoles.