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Who Are the Highest Earning Esports Players?

The gaming industry is growing at an accelerated rate. Investors and major companies are throwing cash at esports, resulting in massive tournament prize pools. In this article, we are going to look at the 5 richest esports players. You can watch and bet on these players and their teams at GG.BET.

  1. Johan “N0tail” Sundstein

Johan “N0tail” Sundstein is a legendary Dota 2 player. At just 28 years old, the Danish player has earned  $7,173,439! The bulk of this cash is thanks to OG’s back-to-back International tiles in 2018 and 2019. Those victories earned OG $11,234,158 and $15,620,181. He also won a number of Majors with OG, including The Kyiv Major in 2017 and the Boston Major in 2016.

Nowadays, Johan “N0tail” Sundstein is semi-retired, and we don’t blame him. After winning millions and every title, Dota 2 has to offer, he deserves some time to rest!

  1. Jesse “JerAx” Vainikka

Jesse “JerAx” Vainikka was one of Johan “N0tail” Sundstein’s teammates at OG when they went on one of the sickest winning streaks in Dota 2 history. OG was just so incredibly dominant from 2016 to 2019 that Jesse “JerAx” Vainikka ended up with lifetime earnings of $6,470,680. After playing pro-Dota 2 for 12 years, JerAx has finally retired and is free to enjoy his cash!

  1. Anatham “ana” Pham

The OG boys continue to dominate the esports rich list. Anatham “ana” Pham is another OG player who earned millions during OG’s legendary run. Anatham “ana” Pham is a 22-year-old Australian Dota 2 player with $6 million in career earnings. He is considered one of the most naturally gifted players of all time. Ana is famous for changing the meta of Dota 2 and being extremely creative.

  1. Sebastien “Ceb” Debs

Yep, that is right, another OG player! Sebastien “Ceb” Debs is an old skool Dota 2 player who played for OG for 5 years and even served as their head coach. In 2022 Ceb finally announced his retirement from competitive Dota 2 after being a pro since 2011.

Sebastien “Ceb” Debs has lifetime Dota 2 tournament earnings of $5,576,256. He was a key player during OG’s 2018 and 2019 International title runs. He finished his career off with a nice win at the ESL One Stockholm 2022.

  1. Kuro “KuroKy” Takhasomi

Finally, a non-OG player! Kuro “KuroKy” Takhasomi is a legendary German Dota 2 player who has been a pro since 2010! He has career tournament winnings of $5,218,593 and is currently signed to Nigma Galaxy. The old-school Japanese player made most of his money playing for Team Liquid. In 2017 he played a big role in Team Liquid winning the International and the $10,862,683. In 2019 KuroKy also came 3rd at the International with Team Liquid, and the team earned $4,462,908.

Despite being 29, Kuro “KuroKy” Takhasomi does not look like slowing down anytime soon. Expect him to lead Nigma Galaxy to some epic wins and further increase his already massive tournament earnings!

Final Thoughts

So there you have it, Johan “N0tail” Sundstein is the richest gamer in the entire world of esports. The young Dane has earned $7,173,439 playing Dota 2 and was an instrumental part of OG’s back-to-back International wins!


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