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At what percentage does RDR2 end?

Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) is a massive open-world action-adventure game developed by Rockstar Games. With a lengthy main story, side quests, and a huge open world to explore, players may be wondering – at what percentage through the game is the main story complete?

The Main Story Ends Around 70%

For players focused on completing the critical path and main story missions, RDR2’s story concludes when the progress tracker reaches approximately 70-75%. This marks the climax of Arthur Morgan’s journey and the conclusion of the core narrative.

However, this is not the true end of the game.

The Epilogue Extends the Game

After the main story ends, there is still an expansive epilogue that takes several hours to complete. This epilogue focuses on John Marston and effectively wraps up lingering threads from the main campaign.

So while the main story may end around 70%, there is still a lot of meaningful content left before reaching 100% completion.

Exact Percentages Vary

The exact percentage where the main story ends can vary slightly based on how many side activities each player engages in.

For example, a player who rushes through the critical path may see the story conclude closer to 75%. Someone who does all major side quests and character missions may end up around 70% instead.

Either way, the epilogue still awaits after the credits roll on Arthur’s journey.

There’s Still Plenty To Do

Even after completing both the main story and epilogue, the overall completion percentage will likely be less than 100%.

There are many things players can do to keep exploring the world and inch that percentage higher, including:

  • Hunting and completing compendiums
  • Bounty hunting
  • Challenges
  • Stranger missions
  • Collectibles
  • Side activities
  • Mini-games like poker

RDR2 is designed to be played both breadth-first and depth-first. There are compelling reasons to continue roaming the world long after the main narrative concludes.

In Summary

The main story ends around 70% completion, but the epilogue extends the game for several more hours. Even after seeing both endings, there’s still plenty to do before reaching 100%. RDR2 offers activities galore both during and after the main campaign.

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