Nintendo can’t be happy that gamers are able to get their hands on a working Wii U emulator while the console still has a year to go before its lifespan is dwindled down into nothing more than a nesting ground for dust on retailer shelves. But you can’t stop progress. The open source Cemu project has seen the release of version 1.4.2b, where it’s been let into the wild for public consumption.
Over on Reddit there’s a thread with links to the changelog and the latest zip file. The 1.4.2 featured an improved FPS counter with more frequent updates, which has carried over into the beta build of that release, along with in improved CPU recompiler, and a variety of bug fixes and audio adjustments.
However, despite the added audio support in the latest public build of Cemu, it still wasn’t enough to get The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD running with full audio support, as evidenced with a video below from YouTuber Porter Balls.
The game is running on an 17 at 4ghz on a GTX 970 with 8GB of RAM clocked at 3ghz. Performance wise it all looks really good. There are some minor instances of over-exposure causing distorted highlights, but it’s mentioned that this may be an issue with Nvidia cards and not necessarily the emulation. Porter Balls highlighted some of these graphical issues in previous videos, namely with his uploads of Mario Kart 8 from the Wii U, which was last running pretty clean and pristine on the latest build of the Cemu emulator.
It’s amazing to see how well and how fast the Cemu emulator has come along in such a short period of time, running top-tier AAA games on the Wii U with nary a hiccup. The advancement on the Wii U emulator has definitely come along a lot faster than the Xbox 360 or the OG Xbox.
Anyway, you can download the Cemu 1.4.2b from the Reddit thread over on /r/Emulation.