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House Of The Dying Sun Set To Release On Steam Early Access This June

Marauder Interactive seeks to bring its space shooter and simulator to Steam Early Access this June. Like many action space games, House Of The Dying Sun has players leading targets with laser weapons, while trying to shut down the Empire and ruin them for good.

Out in space against heavy forces of Imperial starcraft, players take control of a small star fighter ship and battle fleets and brigades of opposing forces known as the Empire. Said to be crippled and brought to a ruin, players will attempt to sail across the vast dark fabric of space, as explained in the description below.

“House of the Dying Sun is a tactical space shooter that puts you in the cockpit of the Empire’s most deadly interceptor and in command of the Harbinger Fleet. Hunt down the enemies of your dying empire and upgrade your warships with new weapons and abilities earned during your campaign of terror.”

Something that I do have to point out though, is the graphical and color style resembling No Man’s Sky’s aesthetics. From the voxel-like look coupled with the bright colors in space really do hold similar attributes in that sense. Looking over to the gameplay, it looks like it will deliver the same space battle combat as other space simulators of locking on to an enemy and firing, and doing a few maneuvers to shake off homing-missiles before they decimate you to non-existence.

For a visual understanding, House Of The Dying Sun has a new trailer that comes in by Marauder Interactive, as seen below.

The game will also feature VR support for those that really want to get into the world of House Of The Dying Sun, which I’m sure would seem pretty cool to wield your very own spaceship in first-person.

Anyways, if you want to learn more about the game coming to Early Access you can either hit up its Steam page, or check out the official site over on

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