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Goliath Updated With Arena Mode And Customizable Mechs

Developer Whalebox Studio announced that the free summer-time expansion for their third-person action-RPG Goliath has gone live. The expansion is called Summertime Gnarkness. It’s available right now for the well-received PC title.

The new expansion adds four brand new Goliaths to the game for players to commandeer and battle in, as well as new parts in which to customize your Goliaths with, and brand new weapons to unleash against enemies. All of this is coupled with the new challenges, where you can test your might and your skills against larger-than-life foes.

They released a trailer showcasing what the new content looks like for the 3D isometric hack-and-slash title.

Goliath managed to slip onto Steam back at the end of May. It’s an indie title with big ambitions, especially considering that it’s all about scavenging for survival material while slowly building up your Goliath with parts you collect from around the procedurally generated world. The game is a little bit like a mix of a brawling beat-’em-up title, Medabots and Diablo, all rolled into one sandbox style adventure.

The denizens of Steam actually seem to enjoy it quite a bit, especially given the very positive review scores. Even the negative reviews still note that Whalebox has a very innovative game on their hands. The major complaints come in the form of some feeling as if the title isn’t polished enough and that it should have spent a little more time in an oven called Early Access.

Nevertheless, if you want to check out Goliath on your own time and with your own money, you can do so by hitting up the game’s Steam store page. If you already own the game then you’ll have access to the update right now, for free. For additional info feel free to check out the official website.

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