Team ok’s Chambara has officially launched for the PlayStation 4. The game is only $9.99 and it offers multiplayer for split-screen play and a completely different take on stealth based gaming.
The trick to Chambara’s design is that there are two distinct colors at play in each stage and players must blend in with the stage colors in order to avoid being detected by opposing players. When the time is right, players can hop out and attack.
Kevin Wong from team ok, commented in the press release about the game’s launch and their philosophy in designing the title, saying…
“We really wanted to recapture the feeling of playing split-screen games with friends on the couch as those were the games we all enjoyed growing up and throughout college,”
“With very tense gameplay moments and a playfully artful tone, Chambara is exactly the kind of game we wish we played while growing up, and we hope it ends up being important to someone in their formative times now.”
There’s a launch trailer below where you can see the game in action to get an idea of what the gameplay is like and how it all comes together.
So basically, this is a game made for screen cheating. Your objective is to see where your opponents are and attempt to flush them out without getting yourself killed. It’s a game of either fast-paced tomfoolery or measured and methodical patience.
Danny Bilson, professor of advanced gameplay of USC Games explained why they chose to publish team ok’s title and how the game resonated with them by saying…
“When we started as a gaming publisher that works with our students, our goal was not to just publish great games, but to provide memorable experiences that can only come out as an independent title,” […] “We are extremely proud of team ok’s Chambara for its striking aesthetic and refined multiplayer gameplay and look forward to their future success.”
Despite the game’s seemingly simplistic design, you can actually unlock customization features for the characters and deck them out with various accessories, as well as play across various levels.
You can learn more about Chambara by visiting the official website or pick up a copy from the PlayStation Store for the PlayStation 4.