I think that BrickCream’s latest game to hit Steam Greenlight will be something to keep an eye out for, If you are into geometry and perception-based games. Inconsistency seeks to bring an M.C. Escher-filled experience to the table in a simple looking yet complex way. BrickCream’s Inconsistency is currently seeking votes on Steam Greenlight, and is set for PC.
I really do like Escher’s work, and seeing complex looking geometry in an indie game like his art intrigues me all the more. With that said, I’ve got to give it to the small indie devs BrickCream for creating something different while at the same time making something that looks like it can stand on its own.
I should note that this game does not sport the whole distance intertwining thing that Escher is best known for like in his art Relativity, or the most famous one “Waterfall”, which inspired Ustwo’s hit project — Monument Valley.
Although the concept of Inconsistency is very simple, and graphically doesn’t push any boundaries, I do have to say that the art style does complement the gameplay in such a way that it makes the overall ideal stand out. You can view an image of the game below.
If you are curious as to what Inconsistency is about the game takes players through a three dimensional world that revolves around getting to a door. The concept is very simple, but challenges players with full rotating stages, rendering a very interesting concept for an indie game. You can read the official description below:
“Inconsistency is a first-person puzzle game relied on gravity changing. Climb the complex platform and find the way to the exit.”
The video that only runs for 32 seconds comes in by Krik Krailadsiri. You can check out the official Greenlight trailer below.
For more information on this game, or if you want to vote for BrickCream’s project, you can head on over to Steam Greenlight.