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Skate 3 Now Backwards Compatible For Xbox One

Microsoft and EA had a little surprise for gamers today, announcing that the Xbox 360 classic, Skate 3, is now backwards compatible for the Xbox One.

The news came in fast and furious through the Xbox Newswire, giving gamers a heads-up about the newly added game to the ever-growing list of titles available for backwards compatibility on the Xbox One.

They were even brazen enough to throw up a trailer to give gamers a brief overview of some of the high-profile games from top-name publishers that are currently available to play via backwards compatibility.

Skate 3 joins the likes of both Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 this week as part of EA’s continued support of the Xbox brand. The latter two games also joined the EA Access Vault, so people who pay for the monthly service can dip into the trilogy of Mass Effect games on PC or Xbox anytime they want.

Skate 3 was the last of the skateboarding series from EA before it went on hiatus since six years ago. Some gamers have been asking for it to come back but I’m pretty sure EA’s going to wait either until next year the year after to revive the franchise. It’s a toss-up if they’re going with an out-and-out reboot or just release Skate 4.

Activision tried bringing back Tony Hawk Pro Skater last year but failed miserably due to it being a poorly made game with shoddy controls and bad physics. So if EA is dipping back into the series they better do it right if they want to retain any brand integrity at all.

The series recently made a comeback in the social media space thanks to a series of glitch videos that put it back into the consciousness of gamers. You can check out one of the compilations from HelixSnake below.

If you already own a disc copy of Skate 3 you can pop that bad boy in right now and start tearing up the streets and grinding like a stripper on a pole. Alternatively, you can pick up a digital copy from the Xbox Store and start playing on your Xbox One as soon as the game finishes downloading.

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