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NieR: Automata Jump Festa Trailer Reveals Some Yaoi Fan-Service

Square Enix revealed a new trailer for NieR: Automata at this year’s Jump Festa 2017 event. The new trailer reveals some new characters and covers some of the info that has already been made available. The most notable and standout element of the trailer are the two shirtless male twins that are obviously there for some good old fashioned yaoi fan-service.

YouTubw outlet Nova Crystallis posted up the Jump Festa 2017 trailer from  live-stream, which only spans just a minute in length, but does feature a few new clips of the game that you may not have seen before in other trailers.

The trailer has a sort of old, spaghetti samurai feel to it, with some kung-fu classic sitars accompanying a choir. We see a giant crane machine that appears to be possessed, a quick glimpse of the two main characters, a quick glimpse of two yaoi-looking dandies in leather pants and leather gloves with no shirts on. I’m almost positive The Mary Sue or Jezebel will somehow spin the news and claim that those those yaoi funk-boys are somehow male power fantasies.

Anyway, the trailer moves off of the yaoi fan-service and reminds gamers about the Dragon Quest stick being featured in the game as a special weapon, along with Noct’s Engine Blade from Final Fantasy XV.

We get a few quick clips of 2B kicking butt and taking name like a classic Platinum Games character should, and a reminder that the game is set to release at the end of February for the PS4.

The stays consistent with the rest of Square and Platinum’s promotion of NieR: Automata, and if you’re geeked, stoked, excited and thrilled for the upcoming hack-and-slash action-RPG, you won’t have to wait too long before the PS4 version arrives. You will have to wait a little bit longer for the PC version of the game, which is due for release on Steam. But Platinum will have a demo made available soon enough.

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