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NieR: Automata Demo Download Available In Japan

If you’re rocking a PS4 and you have a PSN account to access the Japanese PlayStation Store, you can most certainly download Platinum Games and Square Enix’s free NieR: Automata demo and start enjoying yourself a good while before the game officially launches.

Nearly eight minutes worth of gameplay are showcased via the PlayStation Japan YouTube channel where gamers were able to get a look at 2B and her shapely legs going to battle with a boss. You can check out the footage below.

Right at the start, you can see that there are four difficult settings, ranging from Easy to Normal to Hard to Very Hard.

After choosing the difficulty setting you’ll get a quick backstory and then you’ll see 2B hop down and prepare to kick butt and take names.

Much like other Platinum Games titles, 2B hacks and slashes with expert precision and quick reflexes, resulting in satisfying combat. Her droid companion can be used by pressing R1 to fire in the direction you’re looking. It’s a decent little sidekick to provide projectile fire.

The music is also really, really good. It fits the mood and themes of the game perfectly and feels highly immersive with a strong sense of melodic weight. It’s both serious but also upbeat enough to help give gamers an extra bit of oomph to kick butt and take names.

NieR: Automata - 2B

Oh yeah, and if you try to stare up 2B’s skirt for too long she’ll swat the camera away. A robot with a bit of modesty.

It’ll make upskirt screenshots of NieR: Automata a bit difficult to pull off when the main character keeps the camera at bay.

Anyway, the construction-site boss is fought throughout the demo, first inside of the facility and then again outside. Inside the facility you’ll need to cut off the buckets, and then outside you’ll need to dodge the boss fire while attacking more of the bucket scooper arm things. You can see an alternate demo playthrough courtesy of Play4GamesHD that covers the entire demo from start to finish.

Anyway, the NieR: Automata demo is available right now. The full game is due for release on February 23rd, 2017 in Japan for the PS4.

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