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NieR: Automata Gameplay Features Detailed In New Video

Recently the PlayStation Underground has went and posted up a near 30 minute long video showing off various gameplay mechanics for Nier: Automata, while the posted up more gameplay features in written form. Square Enix and Platinum Games’ NieR: Automata is set to launch for PS4 in Japan on February 23rd, on March 7th in North America, and in Europe on March 10th.

Square Enix’s Marketing Lead, Francis Santos, recently took to the to provide eager fans looking forward to the third-person hack-and-slash RPG NieR: Automata some meaty info. The post details questing, exploring, battling, powering up, and living and dying.

Firstly, during your stay at the Resistance camp — which fellow androids run to in order to clear a way for humans on the moon to return back to Earth after the machines attacked — you will be able to take up side-quests or continue the main story through this hub.

Exploration will be a thing and for those who like to look around and find hidden caches, secret items and other Easter eggs that hint to the original NieR, it’s worth noting that you will find a lot treasure to discover throughout a playthrough.

Resources can be found on Earth even though it’s been abandoned, there are scraps lying around that you can use to lure animals. These special items range from food to raw metallic material that lets you tame an animal to traverse around larger areas faster.

As for the battle system there are cancellations during specific attacks to either traverse around the world or an enemy quicker, and is even more multi-purpose for starting an attack to dodge or can be used to follow up with a more appropriate attack. Different weapons that you can switch to will also be in the game like gauntlets, long swords, heavy swords, dual swords, and much more.

Leveling up will be a thing in this game seeing how it holds RPG features at its core. The higher the level you reach the more points you can get in attack power, defense, and so on. Other upgrades can also be accessed allowing for greater skills and better techniques.

Something that’s very unique is a feature  referred to as “living, dying, living again”. As an android you will be able to go back to your dead body after being redeployed and doing one of two thing with your dead body: retrieving the body for a bonus, or attempt to repair the body.

In addition to the above, if the player successfully repairs the body it can either help in battles or it can become hostile and attack you if you fail the repair process. Upon beating the hostile body it will grant you bonuses for defeating it.

Before showing the new video, if you missed the older video showing the Glory To Mankind you can see it below, although it is worth noting that it does sit on the spoiler side.

This now brings us to the new video showing well over 20 minutes worth of gameplay, you can check it out below thanks to PlayStation‘s channel.

Square Enix and Platinum Games will release NieR: Automata for PS4 in Japan on February 23rd, in North America on March 7th, and in Europe on March 10th. A PC version is also planned, but it currently has no release date.

If you want to read the full post regarding NieR you can by hitting up the

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