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The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Season Pass Leaves Gamers Unhappy

Nintendo’s season pass virginity for the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has been given up to the Season Pass demon. It came storming down out of the dark clouds from the shareholders’ stench, and ravaged the poor Nintendo until they succumbed to the allure of the dark side.

As much as I wish I were joking, it really is true that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will feature a Season Pass.

Nintendo released a video detailing how they will have three different packs available, including an expansion pass bonus that includes three new treasure chests containing useful items and exclusive in-game clothes, as well as a DLC pack that adds a new cave of trials challenge and a hard mode, along with a new map feature, and a second DLC pack that includes an original story, a new dungoen and new challenges.

The announcement of DLC planned for the release of Breath of the Wild way ahead of the actual game’s release went over about as well as Michael Vick pitching to be nominated for PETA spokesperson of the year.


There are bookies who were taking bets on the Patriots losing who had a better chance of coming away with a win than Nintendo did by announcing DLC for a game ea month ahead of its release!

The comment sections are full of two people: Nintendrones and people with common sense.

Typically there’s tons of shilling going on, but the average person is making it known that they’re not fond of Nintendo following suit behind companies like Sony, EA, Activision and Microsoft with all this Season Pass nonsense.

The pass itself will be available for $19.99 starting March 3rd. While some argued that three pieces of DLC for $19.99 was better than what you get from EA or Activision, others were more perturbed at the fact that Nintendo appeared to be following in the footsteps of other publishers who have adopted more anti-consumer practices. Ivan Mendoza seemed to capture the overall gist of how a lot of people felt about the news.

Whether you agree or not about the Season Pass invading The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, or Nintendo succumbing to the pheromones of the greed demon, it doesn’t really matter because the wheels are already turning and this greed beast will be unleashed on March 3rd.

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