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The Walking Dead: March To War Council System Explained

A recent developer interview with senior game designer of the upcoming mobile game The Walking Dead: March to War surfaced with Michael Leoncavallo. He discussed the game’s Council System and how it integrates into players attempting to rebuild society, recruit active scavengers and survivors, and deal with some of the popular characters from the television show and graphic novel.

Over on the official Disruptor Beam website, Leoncavallo detailed how the Council System works and what players do with it.

He explains…

“The Council System is so central to the game that players can’t even send their Survivors out into the world unless they are led by a Council Member. As previously discussed, players recruit Survivors to be the core of their power, but those survivors are very weak when you recruit them. They’re rookies that need the guidance and expertise of characters like Michonne and Andrea to help get the job done.”

Players can only recruit Council members by collecting comic covers within the game world. Collect enough of them and a Council member will join your team. You can then send them out to scavenge with new recruits, gather up supplies and then hopefully collect more comic covers to keep the process going.

Players will need Council members in order to lead raiding parties, and each member has their own special abilities and qualities.

The game will launch with 12 different members for the Council and it sounds like they may add more post-release.

Unfortunately you can’t really see how well this all comes together given that the only trailer available is just a teaser.

There’s no exact release date on when the game is set to arrive for iOS and Android devices, but they’re expecting to get the mobile title up and out for gamers at some point during 2017.

You can follow the development process and learn a little bit more about how the game was designed by checking out the blog entries over on the official website.

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