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Nex Machina Trailer Contains Retrowave Music And Co-op Bullet-Hell Gameplay

Housemarque recently released a new trailer for their game Nex Machina, a cyberpunk rogue-like shooter for PC and PS4. The game hasn’t received a whole lot of love from the media, something that the developers were disappointed with, but it looks like fairly rad game and the soundtrack seems like it could be something that takes you to synthwave nirvana.

The trailer showcases more of the gameplay from Nex Machina, giving gamers a look at the fast-paced, 60fps arcade-shooter mechanics. The game could best be described as Robotron meets Furi meets Gauntlet.

The game combines challenging bullet-hell gameplay with precision based arcade shooting. You can check out the trailer below to get an idea of what the gameplay is like.

The added co-op mode for local or online play means that you can boot up the game, grab a buddy and blast through the neon cyberpunk universe.

Unlike games like Robotron, though, you’ll be progressing through levels and fighting off various bosses. It’s not just an arena arcade shooter where you’re stuck in a tiny little level and must fight off waves.

Housemarque wanted to combine their traditional bullet-hell gameplay like from titles such as Resogun but with rogue-like level progression to keep players searching, shooting, and fighting to reach the end.

The developers are worried about their reach with the game. Even though they state that there aren’t many other games out there like Nex Machina, they’ve taken prime notice of the fact that games media are more biased and selective than ever before. There’s the live-stream and YouTube culture that could compensate for the lack of coverage from traditional outlets, but it’s always a risk… especially considering that media covers fewer games but there are far more games coming out than ever before.

It’s a sad state of affairs, but hopefully the good games will prevail.

As for Nex Machina, you can look to get your hands on the game starting June 20th on PC and PS4.

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