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Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles Now Available For PS4, PC

Prideful Sloth’s Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles is a surprise release this summer. The 3D adventure game for PC and PS4 has snuck out onto the market for the home console and on Valve’s digital distribution service.

The game is being compared to a mix of The Legend of Zelda and Stardew Valley, which are both pretty good games to have your title measured up against, especially given the franchise pedigree of the former.

Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles is about trying to save the land of Gemea from the spread of a dark force. Players take on the role of an adventurer sent to help the residents of the island by farming, tilling the ground, rounding up animals, cooking, brewing, fishing, hunting and helping the townsfolk by fighting off the evil that encroaches upon the land.

You can get a look at the game’s graphics and gameplay by checking out the trailer below.

Cheryl Vance, co-founder and director at Prideful Sloth, commented in the press release about the game and how they attempted to approach it as if they were making an AAA game on an indie title budget, saying…

“Yonder provides a beautiful, comfortable place for people to enjoy, regardless of what they choose to do there,” […] “This project is unlike anything our team had the chance to create while we were in the AAA space, and we’re elated to have the opportunity to offer the gaming community a different type of experience to savor.”

Yonder has oftentimes been compared to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild due to its vibrant and colorful aesthetic and simplistic UI. It’s really easy to see how the comparisons are being made once you see the game in action and the way the gameplay is handled.

There is crafting, exploration, seasonal changes that affect animal migration and weather conditions, as well as different routes that open and close depending on the time of the year.

There’s a living and breathing ecosystem at play, and the game encourages players to explore, experiment, and adventure.

Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles is available right now on PS4 for $19.99 and it’s available on Steam for $24.99.

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