Bandai Namco announced that One Piece Unlimited: World Red Deluxe Edition will make its way to Nintendo’s Switch this fall starting September 29th. Nintendo Insider picked up the news along with a new trailer for the game that highlights some of the details and bonuses provided in the Deluxe Edition.
The game is said to run at 1080p at full 60 frames per second on the Nintendo Switch, which is impressive for a mini-console like that. It also features two-player cooperative play across all the modes and all the previously released DLC from the original version of One Piece Unlimited World. You can check out the gameplay trailer below to get a better idea of what it looks and plays like on Nintendo’s latest home console hybrid.
Bandai Namco also revealed that it will be 1080p and 60fps on the PlayStation 4, but it will be 4K on the PS4 Pro and on Steam for PC. Bandai also stressed that all versions of the game will be 60fps, so I don’t know if that means native 4K at 60fps on PS4 Pro or checkerboarded 4K at 60fps on the PS4 Pro; Bandai didn’t clarify.
So it looks like for multiplatform games we could be seeing Nintendo Switch matching parity with vanilla PS4 games in the future, while PS4 Pro and Xbox One X titles will attempt to gun for 4K when possible.
As for the actual gameplay… if you’re familiar with Bandai’s other Naruto Shippuden titles or the previously released One Piece games, you already know exactly what to expect. You can roam around the towns to gather supplies and purchase equipment, or you can pick up quests and go battle various enemies.
Item crafting, character upgrades, melee modes, PvP and a variety of character customization and costumes will also be present.
The game will launch on August 25th for the PlayStation 4 and on Steam, and it will arrive on September 29th for the Nintendo Switch.