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Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Trailer Gives A Glimpse At The Indoraptor

There’s a makeshift dino in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, much like the mixed hybrid dino in the original Jurassic World. This time it’s called an Indoraptor, and we get to see glimpses of it here and there in a spoiler-filled trailer for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, which is due to hit theaters on June 22nd.

The minute and a half trailer is a lot more action focused than the last one… assuming that was even possible. Nevertheless, I really loved the first few seconds of the trailer with the Indoraptor creeping in on that little girl’s room like Larry Nassar creeping into the girl’s shower room if he had the powers of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman. That little sequence was brilliantly frightening.

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom - Indoraptor

It’s a shame that they spoil that very scene later on in the trailer by showing how that little girl gets out of that biting situation thanks to the infallible hero, Chris Pratt, showing up with a big gun to threaten the Indoraptor while tag-teaming with his velociraptor partner, Blue. It’s like Finn Balor showing up to a fight with the help from Conor McGregor to take down Brock Lesnar.

We all know the little girl isn’t going to get eaten, which throws all the suspense and intensity out of the window that the trailer first built up in the first few seconds. It’s asinine. But don’t let common sense strip away your entertainment values for this brainless blockbuster buffet. You can check out the trailer for yourself courtesy of Movieclips Trailers.

The rest of the trailer is a hodgepodge of the equivalent of pictorial porridge, with the pink-skinned and red-haired Bryce Dallas Howard finding herself accompanied by the puffy-haired afro kid with the high-pitched voiced, who appears to be the film’s human equivalent of Jar-Jar Binks from Star Wars: Episode 1.

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom - Human Jar Jar Binks

The squeally-mannered diversity hire will likely attempt to provide viewers with comic relief, but all he managed to do was annoy all the people in the comment section who seemed to abhor his high-haired afro.

Nevertheless, it appears as if the film is kind of a two-pronged approach at storytelling, borrowing elements from The Lost World and Jurassic Park III. Essentially we have Howard and Pratt attempting to save the good dinos from the abandoned park, while the second half of the flick seems to be about the Indoraptor somehow making its way into the suburbs. I’m not sure how that happens but I’m sure they’ll find a way to make that movie magic happen so we get plenty of pleasantries involving carnivorous carnage involving civilians being turned into cadavers.

As mentioned at the top of the article, you can look for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom to hit theaters on June 22nd.

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