Fantasy Strike, a 2D fighter from Sirlin Games that promises easy-to-learn controls and simplified mechanics has entered into Early Access on Steam for $19.99. The game plans on staying in Early Access for the next several months as Sirlin adds in more content, gathers up community feedback and then makes the final development stretch into 2018 where the full game will release both on Steam and the PlayStation 4.
The game features 3D animated characters designed to imitate a cartoon art-style. However, actual gameplay is set on a 2D plane, where those familiar with the way games like Street Fighter or Guilty Gear play out will be right at home. The main difference between those games and Fantasy Strike is that the latter is designed to remove the steep learning curve associated with most games. They explain it in the video below how each character has simple to learn but hard to master specials and supers that can be unleashed during a match.
David Sirlin decided to take his knowledge from working on Street Fighter HD Remix and attempt to design a fighting game that scaled different than other fighters out there, where instead of making the fighting moves and executions more complex, it was about making things simpler so that it would be easier for people to pick up and play and shorten the span in which players would be able to master any (or all) of the 10 characters on the roster.
Sirlin explains in the press release…
“Whether you’re an expert at fighting games or new to the genre, there’s a big hump you have to get over in any new fighting game before you can ‘play for real’,”
“Before you get to the juicy part where it’s all about your decisions, you have to be able to actually do all the moves, do the basic combos, know your entire move list, and so on. From its inception, Fantasy Strike has been about launching experts and new players past the usual training mode drudgery as fast as possible. We want you enjoying the intricate dance of fighting games in minutes, not in weeks or months.”
The game features rushdowns, technicals, frame-traps, counters, manuals, zoning, and specials that can be executed with a single button.
I’m curious to see how well this works out because it reminds me a little bit of the PSX title Versus, but designed for today’s generation of gaming.
The Early Access version only has a few modes at the moment, including online quickmatch, local versus, arcade mode and the practice mode, but they have plans on adding in more modes as it progresses through Early Access.
There’s also full support for a variety of different joysticks, gamepads and controllers, including DualShock 4, Xbox One, and Logitech’s line-up.
If you’re interested in learning more about Fantasy Strike, you can visit the Steam store page.