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Disintegration, Sci-Fi First-Person Shooter Launches June 16th On PS4, Xbox One, PC

V1Interactive and Private Division’s Disintegration is prepping to launch on June 16th for home consoles and PC. The sci-fi first-person shooter sees players taking control of a robot resistance fighter who retains the memories and personality from his original human form. It’s almost like a full-fledged game based on the Adam demo for the Unity game engine.

The story centers around a future where humans can upload their consciousness to robot hosts, but an evil AI overlord decides to subjugate people to a life of slavery and servitude in their robot forms. This leads a small handful of robots to mount a resistance with a few human accomplices, obviously there’s a female and a black male because straight, white males are now barred from appearing in prominent and positive roles in video games these days.

The launch trailer reminds gamers that this generic looking first person shooter will be launching on home consoles – all of whom are on the Traitors of America list – and PC starting June 16th. You can check out the launch trailer below.

The gameplay looks messy as heck.

The limited amount of promotion that Disintegration received kept hammering home the point that Halo co-creator Marcus Lehto was heading up the development.

The actual gameplay for Disintegration is a mixture of utilizing some strange vehicles to combat the enemy robots. It looks like you gain access to different kinds of the anti-gravity machines, but they don’t showcase if you can actually just get off the vehicle and walk around normally. Not that it would matter much.

Nothing about the game stands out from all the other generic trash out there, but I’m sure there will be a few people who get lured into picking up a copy out of boredom or compulsion.

Anyway, you can look for the game to arrive June 16th, 2020 for home consoles and PC.

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