During this year’s Tokyo Game Show in Tokyo, Japan, Koei Tecmo revealed that Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Aclhemists and the Mysterious Paintings will be coming to the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and on Steam for PC in early 2018.
Gust’s latest JRPG will be a continuation from the events that transpired in Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book and Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey. The game is said to be the completion of the Mysterious story arch spanning a trilogy of games.
Not only is it a trilogy-ending entry in the ongoing Atelier saga, but Koei Tecmo also announced that Atelier Lydie and Suelle will release as part of a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Atelier franchise.
A trailer was released to give you a look at the protagonists, the pastel-themed palette with water color-inspired art-style, and some of the gameplay for the upcoming systems and PC.
Story wise, the game centers around two twins, Lydie Marlen and Suelle Marlen. The two young alchemists work with their father at a shop that hardly sees any business, but one day when they happen upon a mysterious painting they end up getting sucked inside where they must use their wits, skills, and quickly budding alchemy on a journey inside of the oil painting.
I’m most curious exactly how well this will work out in regard to the Switch and the portable mode? Will Gust simply downgrade the game to run on the Switch? Or will it be upgraded for the Steam and PS4 versions?
Some studios find themselves having to take extra time out to optimize the game on the Switch because essentially you have to design two versions: one capable of running at 1080p and 60fps and another that has to run at half the resolution and sometimes half the frame-rate.
Anyway, you can look for the extremely long-named Atelier Lydie and Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings to launch for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, and PC starting early next year.
You can drop by the official Koei Tecmo Facebook page to learn more about the game.