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Immortal: Unchained Closed Alpha Test Will Start In March For PC Gamers

The upcoming action-oriented hack-and-slash game with some third-person shooting elements and a sci-fi motif called Immortal: Unchained will receive its first closed alpha test, set to take place this March for PC gamers.

You can sign up for the closed alpha right now over on the official sign-up page.

The full game will be available for home consoles and PC, including the Xbox One and PS4, but for now the developers at Sold Out and Toadman Interactive want to focus on finding and fixing some of the more important problem areas before rolling the full game out later this year for a wide audience.

The hardcore action-RPG’s closed alpha will start on Thursday, March 8th and will run up through Monday, March 12th. So you’ll have all weekend to get in on the game and attempt to check out the first two locations of Immortal: Unchained. The focus will be on third-person gunplay and the up-close-and-personal melee combat.

If you haven’t seen the game in action yet, a brand new trailer was released for Immortal: Unchained to give you a better idea of what to expect.

The dystopian premise and techno-Gothic aesthetic really does remind me a lot of Silicon Knights’ Too Human.

The gameplay itself attempts to mix and match hack-and-slash melee combat with TPS mechanics. And by this, I mean being able to seamlessly switch between shooting an enemy and slashing an enemy within the span of a split-second. You can switch back and forth to take down the foes standing in your path, or attempt to identify a weakness where some of them might be defensively better against long range weapons but weak against swords and spears.

If there’s a good combination of mixing and matching tactical requirements to take down different foes, not unlike Lords of the Fallen, I think there could definitely be hope for Immortal: Unchained to find its own niche and own it like a pimp.

Now if the trailer above looked kind of rough around the edges it’s because it is rough around the edges. Robin Flodin, CEO of Toadman Interactive, explained that the whole point of the closed alpha is to gather feedback and smooth over some of those jagged edges in the gameplay so that it will be a smooth-as-butter experience when it launches later this year…

“We’re taking player feedback incredibly seriously, and we hope that by putting the game into the hands of hardcore action-RPG fans now, we’ll be able to gather feedback that helps us create an even better title in time for launch, and a game that fans of the genre will truly want to play.”

The full version of the game will be available both digitally and physically for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. You can learn more by visiting the official website.

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