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N.U.T.Z. Non-Linear 2D Side-Scroller Heads To Kickstarter

Pandemonium Interactive announced that they have a brand new non-linear side-scrolling action-platformer in the works called N.U.T.Z.

The acronym is an abbreviation for “Never Underestimate The Zardans. The platformer is inspired by the Metroidvania classics as well as popular side-scrolling shooters such as Mega Man.

The studio revealed that the Kickstarter for the project has gone live today, and if things go as planned they will launch later in the year for Steam.

At the moment they have 33 days left on the clock and a goal of $30,190. So far they’ve managed $417 during the first day of going live on Kickstarter, proving that they don’t seem to have much visibility in the video game media market, or maybe they just don’t know five worthy guys in the journalism ring.

Either way, the Kickstarter trailer can be viewed below, which gives you a look at the gameplay and concept of N.U.T.Z.

The game stars Sil, a typical feisty squirrel with the ability to wall-hop. Saya has a katana that can block bullets and perform melee attacks.

There’s already a free demo that you can either acquire from the Steam store page or from the page.

If they get funded they have plans on working on a Nintendo Switch port, followed by a PS4 and Xbox One port. Further funding would open up options for local co-op, voice acting and a versus mode.

They don’t have plans on finishing the game up until June of 2019, next year, even though the press release says that they have plans on releasing the game in late 2018.

The major drawback to the game is that a lot of the animations and sprite work still seems unfinished. That’s not to mention that the combat pace is way off and needs a better flow so that there’s platforming then action beat, then platforming, then action beat, sort of like a digital ballet.

Anyway, you can learn more about N.U.T.Z. by visiting the Kickstarter page.

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