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De Blob 2 New Release Date Set For February 27th On PS4, Xbox One

THQ Nordic released a new trailer for de Blob 2 as it preps for release on Xbox One and PS4 on February 27th next month. Originally the game was scheduled to release on November 14th in 2017 last year, but apparently something happened and the game has now been delayed into February.

The newest trailer reaffirms that the game is set to arrive on Sony and Microsoft’s home consoles, but Nintendo’s little Switch that could is being left off the release docket. PC gamers have been able to dive into de Blob 2 when it came out back during the middle of 2017, and soon console gamers will be able to experience the remastered version of the sequel to the Wii classic that came out back in 2011.

You can check out the trailer below.

The second trailer for the remastered version of the game is a lot better than the original trailer that THQ released back when they first announced that the remastered version was on the way.

The first trailer suffered from some pretty horrendous frame-rate issues, with plenty of drops and stuttering. They were called out quickly about the issue, with gamers wondering why the remastered version of a game more than a half decade old was running so poorly on the newer game consoles?

This time around the trailer features slightly smoother visuals and less frame drops.

We also get to see the two-player split-screen mode is also put on display, giving gamers a brief look at the cooperative mode, along with a brief look at the versus modes.

Bluetongue and Blitworks’ port of de Blob 2 doesn’t seem to go over and beyond the standards of most remasters, but it does sport 12 new single player levels, and there are new power-ups to acquire as well. So if you missed out on the game for the Wii, the Xbox 360, or the PS3, and if your PC is an outright potato, you can look to get the game on the PS4 or Xbox One starting at the end of February next month.

The press release doesn’t make any mention about the price of the game. However, don’t expect it to be too expensive given that it’s only going to be available as a digital download on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network.

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