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Cyberpunk 2077: Speculating On Weapons

In the world of Cyberpunk 2077 there’s a lot of weapons. According to Mike Pondsmith, who owns a lot of guns and fires them himself, there will be a lot of weapons in the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 game. With that said, what kind of firearms and weapons will be in the game?

Notice: All of the information below is speculation and should not be taken as literal fact, since CD Projekt Red has not confirmed any of the following.

With Polish automotive designer Breshke DESIGN or Paul Breshke helping CD Projekt Red with vehicles, which coincides with the latest vehicle job listing, we know for a fact that they’re focusing hard on Cyberpunk 2077’s vehicular side — as with other aspects of the game, too.

The question at hand is, how will the team translate  weapons into the game and make them all work?

Given that Pondsmith owns several guns and swords and it suggests he knows his stuff, much like this story that was reiterate by VG24/7:

“At one point, I mentioned that I’d been told he owned a lot of guns and he explained that he liked to fire guns because it’s important to know how they feel when figuring out combat mechanics. The guns, like the many books that he owns, are part of a library of information to be translated into world-building and systemic game design.


But they’re also weapons, and they’re not the only ones in the Pondsmith home.


“I wanted a house that was hard to find. On the web and in life, I don’t like to be traceable, so I wanted a place that people couldn’t look up very easily. It’s in the woods, you won’t find it on Google Streetview, and nobody has any reason to come by unless they know I’m there.


“One day I looked out of the window early in the morning and there was this guy out front. I kept an eye on him and he wasn’t moving. I didn’t know him so I figure he has no good reason to be here, so I got hold of a katana…”

Given that Pondsmith works closely with CD Projekt Red in developing Cyberpunk 2077, it does let us know that hopefully there’s going to be a wide variety of firearms in the game.

Furthermore, with job listings detailing “complex weapons” and the most recent gun wall display at CD Projekt Red studio gives the impression that guns, swords and other weapons should function with some legit weight to them.


Thanks to both the “weapon job listing” and the “gun wall” we can use both pieces to speculate what might make it into the game thanks to Node 16 and Deric Bernier compiled weapon list over on

The above weapon list is an illustrated reference guide to every weapon ever presented in a Printed Cyberpunk 2020 product, which includes all things Cyberpunk. The list of weapon types consist of:

  • Rostovic Wrist Racate (or wrist rockets)
  • Spraypaint Grenades
  • EMP Grenades
  • Conventional Grenades
  • Biotech-Askari Motion Restraint devices
  • Militech Anti-Matter Rifles
  • Flamethrowers
  • Arasaka Assortment of Weapons
  • Bows and Crossbows
  • Bolt-Action Rifles
  • Sub-Machine Guns
  • Assault Rifles
  • Shotguns
  • Swords (one-handed and two-handed)
  • Nunchucks or Nunchaku
  • Ocean-Based Weapons
  • Light, Medium, Heavy and Very Heavy Pistols
  • Launchers (can attach to other weapons)

What’s for certain is that there will be a lot of caseless ammo, meaning that the guns in-game slightly mirror that of the G11 Assault Rifle. On the other hand, you can get a good look at non-caseless ammunition featured in the 12 gauge “Crusher” below.

Speaking of the Crusher, more than likely its assault rifle counterpart (as seen in the trailer) will show up in-game. You can check out models of both the 6x45mm Police Assault (launcher) Rifle, the Crusher and the Arm Blade right here.

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There’s no telling if we will see bow and arrows, nunchaku, under water ocean-based weapons, or very heavy pistols in the final product, but it’s more than likely that the 6x45mm Police Assault (launcher) Rifle, the 12 gauge Crusher and the Arm Blade will make an appearance in Cyberpunk 2077.

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