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Supernatural Story, Fixed-Camera Horror Game Preps For Launch On Steam

Risen Realms has a classic fixed-camera horror game in the works called Supernatural Story. The game is a throwback to old-school horror-puzzle games like the original Alone In The Dark trilogy before it went to crap.

The upcoming Supernatural Story will feature a dual story that takes place both in 1980 and 2020, where players will take on the role of a hard-boiled detective who is called to investigate a mysterious mansion. However, when he gets there he ends up disappearing.

40 years later detective John Palinski’s granddaughter, Eliza, decides to investigate the disappearance of her granddad and find out exactly what happened to him after receiving a mysterious letter in the mail related to his disappearance back in 1980.

Supernatural Story - Living Room

Gamers will have to navigate the mansion through two different time periods, solving puzzles and encountering whatever the game will throw at you.

At the moment they’re calling it a “third-person action atmospheric game” and informing gamers that there is suspense, horror and puzzle elements but none of the screenshots showcase any of the monsters or enemies you’ll be facing off against in the game. We also don’t get to see any of the weapons, even though both characters seem like they’re dressed to be armed to the teeth.

In fact, we don’t get to see much of the game other than a couple of the rooms you’ll explore and the fixed camera angle from where the action takes place.

They don’t say for how long it’s going to be in Early Access or how much of the mechanics will be present, but we do know that the prologue will be available in Early Access and once it wraps up it will include the full single-player story mode.

You can follow along with the development or wishlist the game by hitting up the Steam store page.

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