We don’t get many hand-animated games that mimic sprite work that looks like an HD SNES game. Unfortunately those kind of games are very rare. However, there is an upcoming hand-drawn horror game from StarSkipp Games called Cover Your Eyes, which seems to hearken back to psychological mind-twisters like Clock Tower and Echo Night, but with an art-style not unlike Square’s older 16-bit titles, but with a slathering of morbidity draped over them.
The game is about a woman who has a life that she enjoys; a loving husband, two kids and a cat. The whole works. However, one day she finds out that her husband cheated on her and her whole world falls apart before her eyes… except, she decides to do something about it, but it seems to make everything worse.
Cover Your Eyes follows the downward spiral of a character who is willing to kill to maintain the picture perfect visage she’s hewn in her mind of her family.
This unleashes a barrage of psychologically traumatizing events that manifest in monstrously horrifying ways.
Gameplay consists of mixing both puzzle elements with real-time combat and exploration, as players will have to find the right mixture of items to escape from danger rooms, or avoid horror-filled hallways, or face off against a two-headed, bipedal beast from the gateways that parallel hell.
I also really like the artwork here.
While some people might think that a photorealistic aesthetic may have been better suited for the themes, I think that the lure into the initial story with the happy, Earthbound-esque presentation at the start of the game that eventually devolves into more dimensional-horror themes akin to Silent Hill works well with the Yomawari-style presentation.
Hopefully the gameplay is as diversified and engaging as it looks in the trailer, and they can pull off a solid pace for how the story unfolds when Cover Your Eyes launches on August 7th in 2020.
You can wishlist the game right now by visiting the Steam store page.