Are you curious as to how Zelda: Breath of The Wild cooking is setup? If so, there’s a new video that’s out exploring food properties and the importance of cooking, and eating in unfit locations around the mysterious world. Zelda: Breath of The Wild is set to come out in 2017, and is expected to be for the Wii U and the Nintendo NX.
I really do have my fingers crossed that this game won’t be glitchy, and soulless on release. I’m not putting the game on a golden platter only to be disappointed if it doesn’t meet certain expectations, I just want another fun Zelda game that can be played over and over.
But enough on that, the latest video that hit the tube is of cooking. At first I thought it was going to be a shallow video showing nothingness, but to my surprise the video actually revealed some complexity in the world of Breath of The Wild.
In addition to the complexity of cooking in the forthcoming Zelda game, certain areas will be too cold/hot to traverse in. This calls for cooking up a nice spicy or cold meal so that you can temporally travel the area as intended. I’m sure clothing and other magical abilities will compensate for this too, but eating comes in as another method.
Additionally, eating and the properties behind each meal will work in a number of places, but as the video progresses onward cooking isn’t a simple thing to do. Well, it’s simple but not one click and watch a cut-scene out of boredom. As the player you will need to start a fire, get a pot out, put the food in the pot and then cook it.
Cooking different foods will restore fatigue, low health and other status effects/procs.
You can check out the new video that Nintendo UK posted to their official Twitter account, which comes in by Nokcha Jung‘s YouTube channel.
Something worth pointing out that I see some folks getting uptight about, the UI for choosing weapons and other gear is most likely a place holder until development for the game becomes more stable. So it’s likely that we will see a different setup for the UI.
With that said, Zelda: Breath of The Wild is said to come out sometime next year, and is expected to drop for the Wii U and Nintendo NX.